Wednesday, April 21, 2010

For Fit Yoga Fans - With Gratitude

During the course of the last several months, many Fit Yoga fans have been asking where and when the next issue would be published; and naturally, some inquires have been angry, especially regarding subscriptions. I decided to write this blog in an effort to clarify matters as well as to assure each of you that my intentions as the editor-in-chief are, and have always been, honorable.

Last year at this time the economic fallout hit the publishing industry hard, and as you know many well-respected, long-established magazines had to close down. Some hard business decisions had to be made, and it soon became clear that in order for Fit Yoga to survive on any level, our magazine would need to go on hiatus so we could regroup, and take a few deep breaths.

My hope was that by this time we would have been able to re-launch Fit Yoga in a new format and continue on the path of exchanging and sharing our love of all things yogic. Since Fit Yoga had always been the “little engine that could” all of us who have worked so hard on every issue held tightly to the intention of coming back as soon as possible. I was confident that February, 2010 would see our new launch hit the stands but unfortunately things have not been settled yet. Meantime, I’ve been trying to maintain some sort of connection to our readers by sending out occasional e-newsletters while planning some spectacular retreats and stories for the months ahead.

I understand the frustration many of you have shared, probably better than you can imagine. I know you miss the magazine and that you’re angry about your subscriptions. Trust me when I say that I too am upset, and miss the job I loved so dearly with every fiber of my being--not to mention the regular paychecks. To say it’s been a rough road is a huge understatement but what makes it infinitely worse is the knowledge that some people are holding strong animosity towards me personally.

Of course I get it...I am the “face” of Fit Yoga and the logical person to turn to, and although a $20 or $30 subscription doesn’t seem earth shattering in the big picture, it’s one more annoyance to deal with, and one that you wouldn’t expect to have with a yoga magazine. I’m so very sorry that things have unfolded they way that they have, and if I could, I would fix every single subscription snafu personally. What I can offer is this blog, along with informative e-newsetters, and my sincere intention that Fit Yoga will be back on the streets soon.

My personal practice, along with teaching yoga has helped me cope during this last year, proving once again that the practice of yoga in all forms is the key to patience, understanding, and compassion. Although the business decisions are out of my hands, as an editor, yoga teacher, and student I strive to practice with integrity in all that I do, and I remain optimistic about the future of Fit Yoga.

My heartfelt thanks to all our loyal readers -- more updates, interesting stories, comments, and products from past and new contributors will be coming your way on this blog as well as in e-newsletters. Please do contact me at if you would like to be on my mailing list.

Perhaps someday soon I’ll see you in class, on a retreat, or at the very least we’ll once again connect on the pages of Fit Yoga magazine. Wishing each of you abundance, grace, and courage.

Love and light,

[For all subscription inquiries please contact George Agoglia:]